Yayasan Citra Desa Indonesia (CDI) telah memulai kegiatan sejak 1 Januari 1989 dengan terlibat dalam Program LELI (Learning and Linkage) yang merupakan satu program kerja sama PACT, WALHI dan Bina Swadaya yang dibiayai oleh USAID pada tahun 1989-1990. Dilanjutkan dengan program LELI II (kerja sama PACT Jakarta dan WALHI) yang juga didanai oleh USAID pada tahun 1990-1992 bersama 14 LSM mitra lainnya di Sumatra Bagian Utara. Pada perkembangannya, Yayasan Citra Desa Indonesia (CDI) telah melakukan serangkaian segiatan melalui kerja sama dengan JICA, DAI/USAID, OXAM GB, Wetsland, USC-Satunama, dan lain-lain. Untuk memperkuat advokasi, Yayasan Citra Desa telah menjadi anggota Walhi, Koalisi NGO HAM, Kuala, dan Jejaring Lokadaya Nusantara. Email: |
The Citra Desa Indonesia Foundation (CDI) has started activities since January 1, 1989 by being involved in the LELI (Learning and Linkage) Program which is a collaborative program of PACT, WALHI and Bina Swadaya funded by USAID in 1989-1990. Followed by the LELI II program (a collaboration between PACT Jakarta and WALHI) which was also funded by USAID in 1990-1992 together with 14 other partner NGOs in Northern Sumatra. In its development, the Citra Desa Indonesia Foundation (CDI) has carried out a series of activities in collaboration with JICA, DAI/USAID, OXAM GB, Wetsland, USC-Satunama, and others. To strengthen advocacy, the Citra Desa Foundation has become a member of Walhi, Koalisi NGO HAM, Kuala, dan Jejaring Lokadaya Nusantara. Email: |
Mewujudkan masyarakat mandiri yang menghargai nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, berspektif gender, dan berwawasan Lingkungan |
"To create an independent society that values humanitarian principles, embraces gender perspectives, and is environmentally conscious." |
Kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan Yayasan Citra Desa Indonesia (CDI) antara lain:
Activities carried out by the Indonesian Village Image Foundation (CDI) include:
1. Collaborating with Oxfam GB in the Marine Protection Zone Development Program for the Economic Sustainability of Fishing Communities in Kembang Tanjong District, Pidie Regency. 2. Together with Walhi Aceh in collaboration with FAUNA & FLORA INTERNATIONAL (FFI) designed a Village Forest proposal for four villages in Mane District, Pidie Regency, Aceh. 3. Collaborating with OTI/USAID in the Coconut Fiber Processing for Community Empowerment program 4. Together with the Aceh Human Rights NGO Coalition, in collaboration with CCSP/USAID, they formed the Pidie Regency Legal Aid and Human Rights Complaints Post 5. Collaborating with ICMC in the Economic Empowerment Program for Women Headed of Vulnerable Households in Kembang Tanjong District, Pidie Regency, Aceh 6.Collaborating with JICA in the program to Normalize Irrigation Channels through mutual cooperation in the construction of Gendong Channels, Plate Bridges and Water Gutters in Indra Jaya District, and Lambaro - Pulo Labu and Lueng Moun Meujeng - Teupin Raya Channels in Glumpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency. 7. Collaborating with Wetlands (March 2006 – February 2007) in the Pilot Project Program for Economically Based and Environmentally Friendly Coastal Area Development in Grong-grong Capa Village, Ulim District, Pidie Regency. 8. Collaborating with USC-Satunama in the Gampong Government Capacity Building program in the Ulim Baroh and Ulim Tunong Settlements, Pidie Regency. 9. Collaborating with Newmont in the Mangrove Economic Area Development Program in Pulo Ulim and Siblah Coh Villages, Ulim District, Pidie Regency. 10. .Collaborating with DAI/USAID in the Economic Recovery Program for Tsunami Victim Communities through the Procurement of Fishing Boats and Work Equipment for Women Salt Panners in Pasi Ie Leubeu and Lancang Villages, Kembang Tanjong District, Pidie Regency. 11. Collaborating with JICA Indonesia in the Economic Recovery Program for Tsunami Victim Communities through the Procurement of Fishing Boats and Work Equipment for Women Salt Panners in Ara, Krueng Dhoe, Pasi Lhok and Jeumeurang Villages, Kembang Tanjong District, Pidie Regency. |